BENGALURU: Today, Facebook has become an addiction for the millennial. People often come back to Facebook - be it for interactions, checking news updates or posting statuses or stalking other people. Hence, the online social networking service is constantly evolving to provid daily security features, updates and change in the layout of the Facebook Feed. Gizbot shares 10 Facebook tricks/tips one should know to make smarter usage of the Social networking site while avoiding any controversy or invasion of privacy.
1. Block
2. Locational information
Whenever a person lands up somewhere Facebook shares the location, check-in details and posts that were made when people are traveling. While the photos are here to stay, the location data can be deleted just in case a user realizes there is a possible invasion of privacy that this can lead to.
3. Save Videos
Facebook rolled out a new feature that lets the user bookmark the videos and stories that can be viewed later by clicking the downward arrow on the upper right of the video and select Save Video. One can access all the saved content on the left-hand navigation bar.
4. Disable message-read receipts
5. Visible on search engines
With the advent of Google all the personal details can be accessed, so much so that the Facebook posts are also indexed by Search engines. If you do not want your Profile pictures and Facebook photos to appear online on Search Engines, you can disable the Enable Public Search option.
6. Unfriended
Get notified when someone ended their friendship with you. The extension will let you know who unfriended you. Click on the "lost friends" tab to your page, but a statutory warning is that the truth might hurt.
7. Download a copy
In order to download your Facebook Data, you can so to Settings > General > and Click on "Download a Copy" to get a zip file of your copy of Facebook Data. This could take time if you are a heavy Facebook user and have way too many posts and shares on your Feed.
8. View as
Go to your Facebook profile, go to your cover photo, click on the three dots, and select "View as" to see exactly how the world sees your Profile Picture. Awesome isnt it!!!
9. App invites
Are you receiving too many app-invites from people on your Friend list? There is a good way of not unfriending your friends who are sending you app invites despite requesting them not to do so. Go to Block App Invites in the Settings Menu and type the name of the friends who keep sending you frequent invitations.
10. Change Facebook Color
Are you bored of the same Blue colored Facebook? There is a lot of Chrome extension that lets users choose the required color of Facebook.
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